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How APC shows that Buhari government will not change – PDP claims



The Democratic People’s Party (PDP) said three recent incidents have shown that All Progressive Congress All, APC, will never change its style of government, which would have put Nigeria on its knees.

The party launched the appeal yesterday as part of President Muhammadu Buhari’s 10-day “private trip” to the United Kingdom without official communication to the National Assembly.

PDP’s deputy secretary of publicity, Diran Odeyemi, called in a statement to a coalition of political parties in Nigeria to “save” the country from the ruling PCA.

Mr. Odeyemi said that Buhari’s visit without officially informing the National Assembly had gone beyond the limits of the government’s legislative arm, calling it “a serious violation of the Constitution”.

He also said that President Buhari and the APC were “determined to impose on the National Assembly the power to annex this branch of government, to impose a docile directive on parliamentarians and to prosecute the illegality that characterized the current administration since its formation “.

He wondered why a party that did not justify his mandate would talk about the presidency in 2023. He urged Nigerians to join the PDP to stop APC and redirect the country’s ship to a safe port.

“Does the party justify the temporary stay it currently holds, let alone seek another term in 2023 APC must have concluded that Nigerians are gullible,” reads in part.

“Only a president who does not take into account the governed will ignore the law of the country and will travel out of the country” on a private visit “without delegating the government to the vice president, as stipulated by the Constitution.

“At the PDP, we have shown time and time again that we are ready to lead the rescue mission that would save Nigeria from its executioners and from a country that once flourished and was created by APC as” headquarters of Poverty. “” We only ask other parties to join us in defeating our common enemies, “he said.

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